Wednesday, October 21, 2009

I'm really back this time

I've been more or less "offline" from this blog for three years!  Gack!  I never thought it was that long ago that I was posting here, but since that time, I've moved back to my parents' home, lost my dad, and helped my mother show her Border Terriers.

On top of that, I've added a new web page to my current collection.  This one is at Squidoo.  The lens (that's what they call the pages there) is called "Frito Feet" and has some training tips for getting your dog to allow you to handle his/her feet.  I happened to remember that dog feet tend to smell like Fritos when they're clean and warm.  LOL

Well, glad to be back on the job of blogging and giving out training tips.  Thinking I might just write a book.  LOL  Next lens on Squidoo is going to be about teaching your dog hand signals.  Later, Chris

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